Supplied to the United States BB The following is a description of some brands! Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, stainless steel.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, internal lubrication, PTFE, aramid fiber.
Model: B B
Performance: General grade, B, internal lubrication, glass beads, PTFE.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, carbon fiber, PTFE.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, fiberglass, PTFE.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, internal lubrication, B, fiberglass, PTFE.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, internal lubrication, B, fiberglass, PTFE.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, internal lubrication, polybutylene terephthalate compound, glass fiber, PTFE.
Model: B
Performance: flame retardant grade, internal lubrication, flame retardant B, fiberglass, PTFE, flame retardant.
Model: B
Performance: General purpose grade, internal lubrication, polybutylene terephthalate compound, fiberglass, PTFE, silicone.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, thermoplastic polyester (B), silicone, internal lubrication.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, PTFE.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, PTFE.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, internal lubrication, polybutylene terephthalate compound, polytetrafluoroethylene.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, silicone, PTFE.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, PTFE, silicone, wear-resistant, compatible.
Model: B
Performance: General-purpose grade, internal lubrication, polybutylene terephthalate compound.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, conductive, polybutylene terephthalate composite, carbon fiber.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, carbon fiber, glass fiber, impact modified.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, conductive, high impact, polybutylene terephthalate composite, stainless steel.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, medical care, anti-static, compatible.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, antistatic agent, clean composite system, polybutylene terephthalate compound, glass fiber.
Model: B B
Performance: General grade, B, glass beads.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, fiberglass.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, fiberglass.
Model: B
Performance: flame retardant grade, B, fiberglass, flame retardant, UV stable.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, fiberglass.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, polybutylene terephthalate compound, glass fiber.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, polybutylene terephthalate compound, glass fiber.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, polybutylene terephthalate compound, glass fiber.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, fiberglass, thermally stable.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, UV stabilized, polybutylene terephthalate compound, glass fiber.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, polybutylene terephthalate compound, glass fiber.
Model: B B
Performance: General grade, polybutylene terephthalate composite, glass beads.
Model: B B
Performance: General grade, low warpage, polybutylene terephthalate compound, glass fiber, glass beads.
Model: B B
Performance: General grade, B, proprietary filler (), high specific gravity,
Model: B
Performance: General grade, high specific gravity, polybutylene pair Phthalate compounds.
Model: B B
Performance: General grade, high specific gravity, polybutylene terephthalate compound, high specific gravity filler.
Model: B _
Performance: General grade, B, high specific gravity, proprietary filler (), high specific gravity filler.
Model: B _
Performance: General grade, B, high specific gravity.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, high specific gravity, polybutylene terephthalate compound, high specific gravity filler.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, thermoplastic polyester B, proprietary filler ().
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, ground glass.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, no ribs, clean and compatible, B resin composite.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, no ribs, clean and compatible, polybutylene terephthalate resin composite.
Model: B
Performance: General-purpose, rib-free, clean and compatible, polybutylene terephthalate resin fiber.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, no ribs, clean and compatible, B resin fiber.
Model: B
Performance: extrusion grade, (not for injection molding) rib-free, polybutylene terephthalate.
Model: B
Performance: extrusion grade, (not for injection molding) ribless, polybutylene terephthalate.
Model: B R
Performance: General grade, no ribs, B, mold release, food contact compatible.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B fiber, compatible.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, no ribs, general grade.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, compatible.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, unreinforced, flame retardant.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, no ribs, improved UV resistance, medium viscosity.
Model: B
Performance: Extrusion grade, B, ribless, (not used for injection molding), medium viscosity.
Model: B
Performance: Extrusion grade, B, no ribs, extrusion, (not used for injection molding), high viscosity.
Model: B
Performance: General Purpose Grade, B, General Grade, Applications Sprinklers and Nozzles, Water Pumps, Door Handles, Groove Covers, Pens, Pencils and more.
Model: B
Performance: General purpose grade, B, automotive applications, distribution boxes and overlays.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, impact modifier, flame retardant.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, UV resistant, flame retardant.
Model: B
Performance: General Purpose Grade, B, Outdoor Telecom Enclosure Applications.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, % glass fiber reinforced, mechanical properties.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, % R, B, high strength, high stiffness, dimensional stability, high heat resistance.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, % glass filled, B resin, food contact compatible.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, % R, applications, edge trimmers, food mixers, motor stators, commutators, cooling fans, connectors, ferrules, switches, etc.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, % fiberglass, flame retardant rated, UV stable.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, % fiberglass, applications, connectors, etc.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, % R.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, fiberglass, flame retardant, grade.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, .% R, B, .
Model: B
Performance: Injection molding grade, % mineral filled, B, injection molding resin.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, % glass, mineral steel, excellent thermal properties, low shrinkage, distortion.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, % glass, mineral, excellent thermal properties, low shrinkage.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, % mineral reinforcement, good toughness, low warpage.
Model: B
Performance: flame retardant grade, B, % mineral, glass fiber, flame retardant grade.
Model: B
Performance: General purpose grade, B, flame retardant, application, circuit breaker treatment, housing, motor coil housing.
Model: B
Performance: General purpose grade, % R, B+, applications, hot air gun housing assemblies, industrial glue guns, electrical enclosures and handles.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, % R, B, excellent surface finish.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, % R, B, application, outer casing, steam iron, electrical casing, lighting part.
Model: B R
Performance: flame retardant grade, % glass fiber, flame retardant grade, .
Model: B R
Performance: General grade, % R, B, excellent mechanical temperature, electrical properties, flameless flame retardant, applications, spotlights, electrical enclosures, handling, connectors.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, mineral filled.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, PTFE, glass, release, non-brominated, flame retardant in unchlorinated cavities, thermally stable.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, demoulding.
Model: B R
Performance: General purpose grade, % R, Thermal stable, B, Excellent strength, stiffness, dimensional stability, Applications, Automotive.
Model: B
Performance: General-purpose grade, high flow, ribless, polybutylene terephthalate (B), medical device and pharmaceutical applications.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B fiber composite, melt viscosity, style.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B fiber composite, melt viscosity: and., style.
Model: B
Performance: General purpose grade, high flow, % glass filled, B, medical device and pharmaceutical applications.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B ionomer.
Model: B
Performance: environmentally friendly grade, environmentally friendly B resin, impact modified.
Model: B
Properties: General purpose grade, % R, B, excellent strength, stiffness and dimensional stability, high heat resistance, applications, equipment handles, spotlights, electric motors, connectors.
Model: B
Performance: General Purpose Grade, B, Fiberglass, Application, FDA Compliant.
Model: B R
Performance: General grade, B resin, flame retardant, % glass fiber, impact modified.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, PTFE, glass, release, non-brominated, flame retardant in unchlorinated cavities, thermally stable.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, release agent, heat stable.
Model: B
Performance: General Purpose Grade, % Glass Reinforced, B, Thermal Stable, High Flow, Applications, Automotive Connectors.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, % glass reinforced, B, impact modified, high flow, thermally stable.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, super high flow, glass, demoulding.
Model: B R
Performance: General grade, B, fiberglass, release agent.
Model: B R
Performance: General grade, B, super high flow, % glass reinforced.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, super high flow, flame retardant, high, glass, release agent, thermally stable.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, super high flow, flame retardant, glass, high, release agent, thermally stable.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, release agent.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, B, no ribs, release, impact modified, opaque, UV stable, wear-resistant.
Model: B
Performance: General Purpose Grade, B, General Purpose, Applications, Sprinklers and Nozzles, Water Pumps, Door Knobs, Groove Covers, Pens, Pencils and more.
Model: B R
Performance: General grade, B, flame retardant, glass, cold and heat resistant.
Model: B
Performance: General purpose grade, B, % glass, automotive and electronic applications.
Model: B R
Performance: General grade, % glass filled, B, utility grade.
Model: B R
Performance: General grade, % glass filled, B, flame retardant, approved.
Model: B R
Performance: General grade, % glass filled, B, flame retardant, approved.
Model: B
Performance: General grade, % glass reinforced, low bending characteristics.
Model: B B
Performance: General grade, B, UV stabilizer, impact modified, opaque, UV stabilized.